domingo, abril 01, 2007

Una De Pedos

Aquí os dejo unos videos de pedos...

Pedos en público...

Duelo de pedos...

Largo pedo...

1 comentario:

alex dijo...

Nowhere is there tylenol anything just like them.. She was not sensible of any pain, but naturally combatted buspar the view that the scene represented a desire of hers.. During the penicillin time that I am unfolding the thoughts at the back of the dream I feel intense and well-grounded emotions.. If I lived anywhere near a canal--a long canal, I mean, this one is hydrocortisone too short--I'd-- Come, come now, interrupted Buller.. Jacobus's pigeons flew down and picked rozerem up the shining grains, making grateful noises far down in their throats.. But I regard another point as important, and will here confess that it was on account of this very point that I have just undertaken this entire discussion concerning the two psychic acetaminophen systems, their modes of operation, and the repression.. Leonard, and norco I found from what they said that she is among the elite of the lite.. The bridge is tore hydrocodone out behind us, an' we're stuck here till that water runs out.. On the girls? inquired the other, vicodin awestruck.. A small sign hung in front of the pictures to the effect that cheaper pictures could magnesium also be obtained...